Tuesday, 1 November 2016

How to Lose Weight in 4 weeks Lesson# 1

The best diet for men

If you want to lose weight, we will tell you of a diet plan, only three kilos in four weeks, you will not be able to give it a try.In this plan, you do not even have to leave the food and drink, but you will eat bread
British Dietitian (Ryhanun Lambert) have been rash in which the plan.The milk from your diet before starting the procedure, will leave completely bread, sugar and alcoholic beverages also let you know.

The first day (Monday)


You have to use a protein shake for breakfast.
A scoop of protein powder
30 grams of
Ice block
A third of almonds milk
Blend all ingredients and drink


A hen Sina
Half a cup of vegetables like cucumbers, cabbage, mushrooms and onions
One tablespoon vinegar
Vegetables and chicken fried in olive oil and drink when Gill


Half a cup of mushrooms and two teaspoons onion powder

Light brown the mushrooms and onions and eat it in the neck, put a piece of meat


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